I cannot believe that January is almost over. It
has been an awesome month. Really it has been an awesome two months here in
Stayton! We are halfway through our transfer already, which is amazing to me. I
can't believe that we are almost done training. It will be really interesting
to see if Elder Pinkston and I both stay. We both hope that we do because we
have seen the work progress so much over these two months. One of the
biggest keys for missionary work to progress in the ward is definitely desire. It comes down to
recognizing the importance of gathering Heavenly Father's children and leading
them back towards Jesus Christ. As missionaries we are set apart to do this
work. But in reality, everyone is called in their own way to further the work.
week here was insane! In a very good way though. On Wednesday we had a
worldwide missionary broadcast. It was an awesome experience. We were able to
hear and sort of be a fly in the room of a Council of the missionary
department. Elder Oaks, Elder Bednar, and Elder Anderson were all a part of
this council. It was a very spiritual experience. One of the things that I
noticed the most was the importance of repentance and of participating in the ordinance
of the sacrament every Sunday. They also talked about the gospel of Jesus
Christ and how The principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ are not separate
and individual principles, but rather they build upon each other. When living
these principles together, there is a real power that can come into our lives.
It's not good enough to just have faith, but to allow that faith to lead you to
act and repent, and then continuing to participate in the Sacrament.
was not it though from the broadcast. They announced some huge changes to our
schedule and to the key indicators that we focus on and report to the mission.
Our pday schedule is going to be changed. We are going to start our pdays at 8
in the morning, rather than ten in the morning. We also used to plan in the
evenings after getting home, but instead we will be planning in the mornings.
Our personal study will remain for an hour prior to 10 AM. But we will have
more flexibility of when we conduct our companionship study and our first 12
weeks training for Elder Pinkston. We aren't implementing these
changes as a mission for a couple more weeks, until we have our zone
conferences with President Tateoka. We are excited for it though!
we had Kennedy's baptism! It went very well. There were a lot of members from
the ward there. And there were also a lot of nonmembers there as well. It was a
very good experience. The spirit was very strong and it was awesome to see
Kennedy make the commitment to follow Jesus Christ. The past couple of weeks
have been so cool to see the gospel in action. It was also cool on Sunday, because the bishop asked Nicole to come up and bear her testimony in front of
the ward. That was a really cool experience.